The 3 Big lessons I learned about healing
What a month! January was really hard, but it was also during this time that I got to learn more about myself and the process of healing that continues in my life. And do you want to know the biggest lesson?
Your body will do what it needs to do.
Your mind will process what it needs to process.
Your heart will feel what it needs to feel.
This is healing.
- Your body may tense up. You may get sick even, and that’s how your body will cope. Tears will roll down again and again. But this is part of the process. It’s unpredictable, yet it’s powerful. It shakes you down.
- Thoughts will come up. Your mind will mess with you. The memory of your past and/or your trauma may come back and when it does, it will look you in the eye and bring you back there. But you don’t walk away. This time, you fight back and accept everything there is to know. And only then, can true healing begin.
- Your heart will feel heavy. You will feel the pain again. The heartache. The anger. The frustration. But you will also feel relief. And it will get lighter. And you will smile again because you will know in your heart that something is shifting. You are being restored.
Healing is not linear. It’s a process. It’s a cycle where it will keep repeating itself until you’re ready to face it - and all the deep layers. And it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not something you can estimate and know when it will be done. It’s an ongoing process where you get to do the inner work and have it be a part of your life.
It took me a long time to fully understand and accept this. But once I did, I started learning how to open my heart and trust the course, the feelings, and everything that comes my way, in spite of the hardship. Even when things seemed to get worse before they actually got better, I accepted that it’s all part of the process.
So many changes can happen and confusion may set in. But after a while, the dust settles. Relief comes to light. And when you’re ready... growth arises. Transformation happens. Slowly.
This quote from one of my favorite Authors sums it up well,
Our hearts need mending, our souls need healing, and our bodies need rest. Even more so, we need regular reminders that God carries the weight of the world, so we don’t have to. We are our best selves when our hearts learn to rest in His provision and rely on His love.
-Susie Larson
I hope that you can open your heart and accept things as they come, no matter how hard it gets. Trust your body. Trust your heart and your mind. Trust the healing. Trust the process.
Holli!! I am so grateful for you and I appreciate YOU for always cheering me on and supporting everything we do. Sending you light & love, Holli. xo
Thank you Elizabeth for your honesty and encouragement. I’m grateful for you and your story that is a gift that keeps giving <3